Terms & Conditions


Bookings are final. Please double check the date of the workshop before booking, cancellations will result in forfeit of payment. Bookings are not transferable to other dates except in the event of a lockdown.

In the event of a lockdown workshops will be postponed to a later date. They will run once we are able to do so safely and we will adhere to any restrictions in place. By booking a workshop during the Covid-19 pandemic you are accepting that this is a possibility and will not receive a refund.

If you are unable to attend a workshop you may offer your spot to a friend, we will transfer the booking into their name but you must arrange any transfer of money between yourself and your friend.

Non-attendance forfeits the fee paid and is not transferable to another date/ workshop.

All classes require a minimum number of bookings to go ahead. Minimum numbers vary from class to class. Classes that do not have the required minimum may be cancelled. Participants will be notified 24 hours prior to the start of the class and will be offered the choice of having a credit to be used towards another class or a full refund.

By accepting our terms & conditions you agree that we are not responsible for any theft or injury that may occur at our premises or in our workshops.

You agree that you will not replicate, reproduce or distribute any element of a workshop in part or in full including photographs taken during the workshop.

We often take photographs during workshops, If you do not consent to have your (or your child's) photograph taken and shared on our social media platforms and/or website please let us know before the workshop begins.

Thank you!