
Printmaker and Painter Jess McKiernan’s work aims to capture the delicate influence light plays on colour. Jess creates multi-layered original screen-prints inspired by sentimental scenes growing up in the South West of WA.

Colour is the main focus of each piece; every layer is meticulously planned out and considered to develop a mood or a moment in time reflecting our relationship with place.

After completing her BA in Fine Art with a major in Printmaking at Curtin University, Jess moved to the UK to settle in the coastal county of Cornwall. Inspired by the rugged Cornish coast and thriving creative arts scene, Jess began to create and exhibit her screen-prints and paintings amongst local galleries. Here she also worked in a printmaking studio for several years running workshops and community-based arts events, which lead to a desire to teach. Completing a Post Graduate Degree in Art & Design Education in 2018, Jess has taught Art in the private and public sector. Moving back to the southwest of WA in 2020 Jess now lectures at South Regional TAFE and teaches workshops with her sister Candice through their business, LŌen.

LŌen means joyful in Cornish, a place close to our hearts.

LŌen offers access to creative practices for all ages. Working with local artists and creators in our community. There are many exciting things to come in the future for LŌen, we hope you can join us on our creative journey.

LŌen spreading joy & the desire to create.